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Project 2046 is an independent artistic aggrupation whose objective is the realization of investigation process and the creations of performing proposals of interdisciplinary character. The themes that concern us are the human body, the life and death, the violence and especially all the human behavior from the phenomenological-existential level.

2.046 is the promise of a future date, at the same time is a utopian space, or dystopian? A place of nothing, the cero year. Point of no return –no ritornello- of humanity.


P1. Ulcus Project, attempts about cruelty:


To me it’s not  estrange all the convulsions movements of society, there littles jumps to the vacuum, the unconscious and animalidad abductions  that have ones with others or the ones in the others –some bodies  over others bodies- the little moments of ecstasy and voluptuousness that permeate the pages of our newspapers, and fill the horror and fright of who reads it.

The precise life of death.  Life is an inexorable  path to death. The energy of the universe tends to dispersion. Entropy. VIOLENCE. The abrupt changes between life and death. The randomness of death and life.

The fragility of life, trying to maintain on foot  while the world turns around: VERTIGO.

Some bodies imply the chaos. Some don´t resist the fall. THE ESCESS IS DIRECTED TO THE BODIES.  The maximum grade of destruction.


When some bodies rush to the total disorder, some of them exert attraction. VICTIMS. Some bodies rush to some bodies. Some bodies attract more than others. Some bodies call the disorder. Some bodies are more open than others. Is in the bodies where lavishes the maximum of energy. Some have the encounter  between life and death. At the same time converge. Some bodies are enabling. Those are more exposed, they could be more fragile. Is inevitable, suffer more than others: WOMEN. A woman´s body. SORE. An open body for excellence. PERPETUAL WOUND.


Cecilia Garcia. 2013

Cecilia García

Director, playwright and performer


Felipe Hernández

Asistant director.


Marcela Robledo

Dalida Velandia

Sofía Vejarano

Edwin Aguilar

Alexander Moreno



Sabina Aldana

Sound design:

Diego Santamaría

Technical assistence 

Juan Camilo Suárez


Creators-guest performers along the process:

Paola Ospina

Juliana Herrera

Ángela Vargas

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